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The Smashing Pumpkins
Date 1996-07-09
Venue USAir Arena
Location Landover, MD, US
Venue Type Arena
Capacity 18,756
Lineup Corgan, Iha, Wretzky, Chamberlin, Melvoin
Order of Bands Garbage, The Smashing Pumpkins
Surfaced Recordings
AUD #1
Source AUD
Format ANA
Equipment SS-DSM-6>WM-D6
Length 150m
Complete? No
Lowest Circulating Generation ANA-M>CDR
Live Music Archive 16-bit download
Notes Cut in Silverfuck.
AUD #2
Source AUD
Format ANA
Equipment CSB>WM-D6C
Length 154m
Complete? Yes
Lowest Circulating Generation ANA-M>FLAC
Live Music Archive 24-bit download
Notes A few spots of distortion. Tape flip after By Starlight. Mic connection problems during Disarm, Bullet with Butterfly Wings, Cherub Rock, and X.Y.U.
Unsurfaced Recordings



  • Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness (over PA)
  • Where Boys Fear to Tread
  • Zero
  • Fuck You
  • To Forgive
  • Tonight, Tonight
  • Today
  • Thru the Eyes of Ruby
    • By Starlight
  • Disarm
  • Bullet with Butterfly Wings
  • Cherub Rock
  • Porcelina of the Vast Oceans
    • Beautiful (unfinished)
    • Rocket (tease)
  • Muzzle

Encore One:

  • In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida [Iron Butterfly] (tease)
  • X.Y.U.
  • 1979

Encore Two:

  • Mayonaise

Encore Three:

  • Bodies
  • Silverfuck
    • X.Y.U. (tease)
    • Space Jam (tease)
    • Eye (tease)
    • Dose [Filter] (tease)


  • Disarm performed acoustic


MCIS (PA intro)
Where Boys Fear to Tread
Corgan: Hello. I'm gettin' a shock, sorry. I realize this isn't very professional, but I'm getting about 150 volts in my face, so excuse me. How are you doing? Thanks for coming. Uhh, I'd like to complain but I don't wanna die, so we'll just talk or something. Hello!
Fuck You
Iha: Alright. I think we're back now.
Wretzky: James, now is the time for you to say something witty.
Iha: For those who don't know...witty.
Wretzky: Witty.
Iha: For those who don't know, sorry we're having technical problems, just getting all these fucking shocks in the mic.
Wretzky: That's not funny.
Iha: Well, that wasn't funny. But what was funny, is I saw Independence Day yesterday, I saw it with them and they hated it, but I thought it was fantastic. See, they loved it, everything was plausible.
Wretzky: We wanted to see it in Washington DC because that part where they blow up the White House would make it seem much more realistic.
Iha: Now that you said that and now htat all these people have cheered for the blowing up of the White House, all the FBI are gonna flag all the people in this entire stadium...we're just joking. You wanna play this one again? Amazing how these technical things can slow down a show.
Corgan: Hello? Sorry, my mic's all fucked up.
Iha: Alright. Let's get this thing together. Okay, continuing on about Independence Day, it was a fast paced movie and I enjoyed the acting. You didn't enjoy the acting? Bill Pullman, Jeff Goldblum...okay you can start booing us at this point. Don't worry, don't worry.
Corgan: Nah that's alright. Thanks for your patience.
To Forgive
Tonight, Tonight
Thru the Eyes of Ruby / By Starlight
Corgan: Well, glad you've excited yourself. Disarm
Bullet with Butterfly Wings
Cherub Rock
Porcelina of the Vast Oceans / Beautiful / Rocket
Corgan: We appreciate your patience this evening, with our intolerably long songs. And uh, thank you very much for coming to the concert tonight. We've been coming to Washington Dc and Baltimore area since about 1990, and we've always had a great time here. So we thank you, old fans, new fans. We appreciate your support very much. This is one of our favorite songs from our album that came out like about ten years ago.
[encore break]
Corgan: Thank you.
Iha: You rock.
In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida tease

Iha: Thanks, thanks. You're very kind.
Corgan: Alright, I don't wanna get too serious on you for a second, but we need your attention for just a moment, James has something he has to tell you.
Iha: I want you to boogie, yes, dance, I want you to dance
[encore break]
Corgan: Like to do a uh, old, old song. This dates back to our first album, Kinetic Premonition. It was only available on import in Detroit, so I don't know if you've got it, but this song's from our first album.
Corgan: Thank you, god bless you.
[encore break]
