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The Smashing Pumpkins
Date 1997-01-22
Venue John F. Savage Hall
Location Toledo, OH, US
Venue Type Arena
Capacity 9918
Surfaced Recordings
AUD #1
Source AUD
Format DAT
Equipment CSB>D8
Length 139m
Complete? No
Lowest Circulating Generation DAT-?>ANA-?>CDR
Notes Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness cuts in. There may be a cut/splice during Rocket. Silverfuck cuts.
Unsurfaced Recordings
AUD #2
Source AUD
Format ANA
Equipment Walkman
Length Unknown
Complete? Unknown



  • Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness (over PA)
  • The Aeroplane Flies High
  • Jellybelly
  • Tonight, Tonight
  • Rhinoceros
  • Here Is No Why
  • Zero
  • Fuck You
  • Porcelina of the Vast Oceans
    • Rocket (tease)
  • 1979
  • (unknown instrumental)
  • Thirty-three
  • Bullet with Butterfly Wings
  • Muzzle
  • Disarm
  • Thru the Eyes of Ruby

Encore One:

  • Bad Moon Rising [Creedence Clearwater Revival] (tease)
  • In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida [Iron Butterfly] (tease)
  • X.Y.U.

Encore Two:

  • Drown
    • Hummer (tease)
  • Cherub Rock

Encore Three:

  • Silverfuck
    • Space Jam
    • Spiders (tease)


Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness
The Aeroplane Flies High
Tonight, Tonight

Corgan: Hey everybody, how's it going? Welcome to the rock concert, thank you very much for coming. Even you crazy people way in the back there. We now would like to play you a song which you probably don't know, or probably skip over. Everytime you get to it on your cd, its called "Here Is No Why".
Here Is No Why
Fuck You
Porcelina of the Vast Oceans/Rocket

Iha: Thank you. That was pretty psychedelic, huh? Now, ladies and gentlemen, we bring to the stage, a very special guest. All the way from Milwaukee, ladies and gentlemen, please put your hands together, of The Frogs, Jimmy Frog! Yes, Jimmy is a uh, a roaming troubadour, and he will lead us into this next song, on to victory, so please, lets dance and boogie, at will.
Corgan: Ladies and gentlemen, Jimmy Frog! Why thank you very much. Many people are wondering that the new direction of our band will be. We'd just like to give you a little taste of that right now, we like to call this "Music from Our Roots, Music of the Mountains".
(unknown instrumental)
Bullet With Butterfly Wings

Iha: Thank you, very much. We're glad everyone likes the big rock song. IS everyone enjoying themselves? We've played a few space-rockers, but we're glad you're back with us, we're glad you're back with the rock. What are you yelling? Laguna? (unintelligible), but I will be after the show. Did anyone notice when Matt's bass drum blew up? We were supposed ot have this big pyrotechnic explosion, but the bass drum pedal just fell off, so we apologize, it's a big part of the show, this big dragon comes out, (unintelligible), so, any of you catch any of our next shows, you'll be able to see the dragon, with bass drum pyrotechnics, but we will continue on now, just don't think of the dragon. Is there something more to be said? What else can we say to these fine people?
Corgan: You know, I fear I'm ordinary.
Iha: Why is that?
Corgan: I'm just like everyone.
Iha: This next song is called "You People".
Thru The Eyes Of Ruby

(encore break)
Iha: Thank you very much, you guys have been very nice, thanks a lot.
Bad Moon Rising (tease)
Corgan: Look at this; "D'arcy we love you, eric, blues, blue". It might help if you spelled D'arcy right, though.
Iha: Well, ladies and gentlemen, things have turned crazy, we are now gonna get back to the music. (unintelligible). Corgan: Would you like to tell everyone where they're about go?
Iha: To hell!
Corgan: Thats h-e-double toothpicks to you mister.
Iha: Alright, this next song is about pain.
Corgan: When you parents, friends, fellow students, peers ask you, where we took you, we took you to where you did not want to go.
Iha: (unintelligible)...where David Duchovny doesn't go.
Corgan: Are you ready? That doesn't sound very ready to us.
(encore break)
Corgan: Thank you all very much, goodbye to those of you who are leaving in the back. Goodbye, have a good night. You're of course going to miss the best part of the show, but have a good time.
Iha: This, this is the point in the concert where we--
Corgan: I think they have to go home and study for a test or something.
Iha: We're gonna bring out the inflatable pig now, so those of you who are leaving are missing the best part.
Cherub Rock

(encore break)
Silverfuck/Space Jam